Saturday, April 12, 2014

This is the face of Hope..

Yesterday, we had our first IUI procedure!!  

To say we were a little nervous was an understatement!  I didn't realize how anxious I would be until we walked through the doors of the doctor's office.  Before marrying Matt, my idea of "on-time" was EXACTLY on the dot "on-time".  Since marrying Matt, he has taught me that if you're early, you're on time.  If you're "on-time", your late…and if you're late, you just better just not show up :)  Something with the boy scouts, or his dad, or a college professor, etc. that taught him that.  (Side note: Because of that conviction, he was 30 minutes EARLY for our first date…on New Years Eve!  I was completely taken by surprise…AND not ready, of course!)  But, I have come to love and appreciate this conviction of his.  So, how does this pertain to our morning yesterday???

Well, Matt wanted to leave at least 30 minutes early to get to the doctor's office early (it usually only takes about 15 minutes to drive).  Although we left early, we unfortunately got there ON THE DOT because of traffic, slow drivers…ahem.  This just made both of us rush…possibly more anxious…and Matt under extreme pressure now to "perform" (as he is the first step in our procedure!), and he was already going to be late for a morning meeting at work.  As soon as we walked in to the office, the office personnel met us with labels for the specimen and hurriedly sent us down the hall to the collection office.  I was a little surprised they had come to know me so well already :)  I, of course, waited in the lobby, and when Matt was done, he kissed me goodbye, and I headed back to the main office to wait for another hour before it was my turn.

Apparently I needed a full bladder for the procedure, so I was handed a large bottled water to start drinking.  I knew I should have waited at least 30 minutes more to start drinking because within 15 minutes, I was starting to have to rock myself in my seat :)  Then as it continued to fill, I had to start walking the office.  I'm just glad the office wasn't full at this particular time of day.. (This was almost as bad as the time when a friend and I shared a whole bottle of wine as we sat on the Versailles Palace steps while in France….and there was no bathroom on the train ride back to Paris…)  Feeling like your bladder is about to bust at its seams is a little uncomfortable to say the least :)  Ok, enough bladder talk.  Let's just say by the time they called my name, I was READY!!

I was taken back to a room where they proceeded to discuss Matt's "stats" with me (seriously, my bladder, lady)…which he, of course, once again performed with flying numbers colors…that's my man!  And then, they performed the procedure, which was not very painful at all.  I was so relieved.  All I could imagine was it was going to feel like that crazy HSG procedure again.  But, alas, it took all of 15 minutes, and was quite uneventful.  Then I had to lie flat for about 15 minutes..and voila!  Time to leave (and empty my bladder…um hello!).  Oh, and they did say that the ultrasound confirmed I had ovulated and mentioned it was "perfect timing" :)

I made it to work on time, also :)  Thank you to all who prayed for that!  And that picture above was taken right after the procedure…(sorry about that)…but I was feeling so hopeful, I wanted to share :)

Now to wait TWO WHOLE WEEKS!! But I'm sure it will fly by.  Today, we're cleaning and re-painting our back deck…and by "we"…I mean Matt.  Just kidding…I'm "helping".  :)

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